Asset Management of Family Offices
Family and performance-oriented consulting
Family assets with larger properties require professional asset management and careful risk control.
In particular cases, family members involved have different risk preferences, investment objectives and hedging needs. A holistic approach, analysis and merging of the preferences of the different parties to a sustainable vision is therefore essential.
CFE supports family offices in their individual investment decisions and focuses on the different preferences and perspectives of the family members. Risk classes, withdrawal possibilities, value increases and entrepreneurial profit potential are individually optimized and designed to be sustainable in the long term.
The following are some of the various approaches that can be used:
- Limited partner position in an "asset-managing limited partnership" (private assets for tax purposes)
- Public stock corporations as investment vehicles and profit neutralization in the case of capital gains via § 6b EStG
- Participatory loans with basic interest rate plus profit participation
- Liability compensation for risk holders
- Purchase rights (options) on family real estate
- Share deals on exit from project developments
- Compartmentalization of different risk classes by separating asset classes
- Solution of liability associations
- Reorganization of shareholder structures in relation to the family trunk
- Implementation of non-family asset management
- Pooling contracts for the bundling of interests